Over the last couple years, regulators in the United States have made major changes to the rules surrounding foreign direct investment (FDI) and national security–i.e., the CFIUS regime. Now, regulators in the UK are preparing to do the same, working on passage of the National Security and Investment (NSI) bill, which would grant the Department for Business Energy and Industry Strategy (BEIS) powers that may even go beyond those currently held by CFIUS. In this webinar, we’ll bring together government speakers from both BEIS and CFIUS and expert private sector advisers to discuss how CFIUS is impacting FDI today; how BEIS may affect it soon; and what private sector companies and investors should take away from the recent and forthcoming reforms.
Juliana Campbell
jcampbell@wsgr.comJoshua advises domestic and foreign investors, funds, established companies and startups in regulatory, investigative, and enforcement matters.
Stephen advises clients on laws and policies at the intersection of international business and national security. He previously served in the U.S. government on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.