Miami Beach Convention Center
Miami Beach, FL
Please join fintech and financial services partner Jess Cheng, along with Derek Schwede (Head of Legal, Modern Treasury), and Evis Daum (Chief Counsel and Chief Risk Officer, Federal Reserve Financial Services) at the Smarter Faster Payments Conference on May 8th for their panel: AI- and Data-Driven Payments: Demystifying the Legal Complexities.
Technology-driven change continues to drive payments evolution. Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming an important tool to fight fraud and enhance efficiency. Yet there are many misconceptions about AI, and potential pitfalls abound in its application to payments. This session will focus on how AI is impacting the payments landscape and key legal considerations at this fast-changing intersection of technology and regulation.
Rebecca Poizner
rpoizner@wsgr.comJess Cheng helps innovative companies adapt and thrive in the evolving payments space. She is a partner in the New York office of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where she represents clients as a member of the firm’s Fintech and Financial Services group.