On Wednesday, October 23rd, MDMA will host a member-only webinar from 2pm-3pm ET, "Medical Devices Meet National Security: How BIOSECURE, CFIUS, and Other National Security Rules are Impacting Fundraising and Dealmaking?" hosted by Associate member, Joshua Gruenspecht, of Wilson Sonsini.
In this webinar, Joshua will (a) provide an overview of some of these key changes at a high level; (b) discuss how this shifting set of laws and rules is impacting both fundraising and commercial deals for companies in the medical devices industry; and (c) offer practical tips for medical devices companies to limit their exposure to these issues where possible.
Hillary Crowder
hcrowder@wsgr.comJoshua advises domestic and foreign investors, funds, established companies and startups in regulatory, investigative, and enforcement matters.