The certificate of incorporation is one of the most important documents in establishing your company, especially if you take on venture investment—and yet the words remain an unintelligible mix of legalese to many. For example, what does it mean for assets to be distributed "pari passu"? What is "participating preferred"? What is "broad-based weighted average antidilution protection" and how does it differ from "narrow-based protection" or "full ratchet"?
Our experts will remove some of the mystery around this fundamental document, and provide an introduction to understanding the actual calculations indicated by language. Discussion will focus on specific preferred stock terms negotiated in venture financing term sheets and how they are reflected in the charter. Mathematical provisions of the charter will also be broken down as the class steps through sample calculations, including a liquidation analysis and antidilution adjustment.
Shelly Jackson
shelly.jackson@wsgr.comMelinda Douglass is senior counsel in the corporate and securities practice at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where she represents both public and private companies in a variety of transactions.
Avi Emanuel is a senior associate at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where he practices general corporate and securities law, specializing in early- and mid-stage companies. He currently advises start-up companies in a variety of matters, including entity formation, venture financing, corporate governance, employment matters, and securities law compliance. In addition, Avi has extensive experience with mergers and acquisitions, and has also participated in several IPO transactions.