Westgate Hotel
San Diego, CA
Register now for the ABA Antitrust Law Section 2023 Consumer Protection & Data Privacy Conference, "On the Vanguard of Consumer Protection and Data Privacy," taking place February 8-9 at the Westgate Hotel in San Diego. Are you interested in the latest developments in consumer protection and privacy? Join a stellar cross-section of state and federal enforcers, thought leaders, in-house counsel, and other practitioners to discuss the critical questions of the day: How does Dobbs affect health privacy? What are state and federal enforcers’ priorities? What comes next in financial consumer protection? What about “dark patterns” and artificial intelligence? Be part of this marquee Section event by registering here before the early bird deadline of January 18: ambar.org/atconsumer.
Kathryn Siegel
kathryn.siegel@wsgr.comChristopher advises clients on all aspects of privacy and cybersecurity matters and represents companies under investigation by the FTC and state attorneys general.
Conference Co-chair